Wednesday, June 4, 2008


off duty todae..

duk umh ,ym with my sis b4 lunch...tak byk pown yg di ym kan...she's been bz n been mysterious like oweys...dunno y...maybe bcoz of me ni still a stranger for her kot...or maybe i m like little kiddo....dun deserve to get to know about it....or maybe she dun even trust me....or maybe she just being herself...wah banyak nyew possibility.....yang mane satu eeh???...cube bagitau..
*if u read this,let me noe,which 1 of the possibility..*

then that evening...went to borders to discuss with my manager about the new offer job n how to quit..hehehe..

went back like 5pm like was rainy..uhhu...wet confirm!!..
owh forgot,i need to send my little bro to check his condition after been "sunat"...adesh rainy right now...

then ask syura to help send my little bro to clinic...then went to night market lagi...=)

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